Our little Pierce was born on December 20th. He weighed 8lbs 2 oz and was 21in long. We are so glad he is here safe and sound. It was a schedualed C-Section and it was way nice to arrive at the hospital and two hours later have our sweet baby. It was way excited not knowing what we were having. I really did think it was a girl but couldn't be more happy with a little boy. When we were in the operating room Dr. Leavitt told Jed that he would be the one to make the big announcement. He was such a tease and kept asking me are you sure you want to know. Its a good thing I was so medicated or he would have had a dead arm:)
Mylee was really hoping for a baby sister. But she is quickly seeing the positives to it being a boy. Girls nights out are still just Mylee and I. And as she says we will be able to leave the crazy boys with dad. She is the best big sister and I don't know what I would do without her. She is
heaven sent. She never complains about getting a diaper or playing with Bronson. :) My little Angel.
Bronson LOVES Pierce as well. He wants to give him hugs and kisses all the time. He is always trying to give him his binkie whether he wants it or not. He is so cute with him. I can tell they will be best of friends. The other day Pierson was in his bouncer and Bronson kept trying to throw his ball to him so they could play catch. I can tell they will be best buds.
1 comment:
Love you Britt...such a blessing to have another healthy baby boy to welcome into our family! He is so sweet and such a handsome little guy:) Congrats again!!!
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