Friday, February 25, 2011

A much needed update

During the last couple months life has been crazy busy! I finally feel like it is starting to slow down YAY:) Here is what we have been up to :)

Rachelle and Jesse are expecting their first! We are so excited for their bundle of joy to arrive in late august. It is such a blessing and an answer to many prayers. Love you guys :)

Shalyse and Tyler got married on December 11th. It was a great day and we are so excited to welcome another boy to the family. Shalyse was a beautiful bride, and everything turned out perfect. Execpt for Mylee came down with the stomach flu and threw up all over Jed and I at the reception. She was so sad that she missed the dance. But Was excited to find out there was another reception in St. George! And when we went to St. George she was able to get her hair done and a mani-pedi!

Lacey left on January 19th on her mission. She is serving in the L.A. Mission. She was also called to the L.A. Temple Visitors Center. She serves half her day in the visitors center and the other half she get to proseltye. Having all sisters I never really though I would have a sibling go out on a mission but it is such an amazing experience. She is growing so much. We look forward to hearing from her every week. We miss her more than words can explain. Mylee is so tender hearted and misses her aunt Lacey.
We went to Arizona for thanksgiving. We had such a blast visiting family and friends. We went to the zoo and mylee loved seeing the animals her and grandpa Jeff even got to feed the giraffes.
Mylee is such a good older sister. Everytime she comes in the room his eyes light up. She is such a big helper. The other day after I got Bronson out of the tub I went to grab his P.J.s and when I got back his diaper was on and she was putting lotion on him. Then she looked at me and said "Mom its a dream come true, I am kinda a mom like you! " SOOO Cute I would be lost without her.

Bronson at 4 months

Bronson is growing up SO fast and we are trying to cherish every moment. He is a big boy. He is off the charts he weighs 21.5 lbs and is 27 1/2 inches. He is rolling over, sitting up and laughing. He loves his swing and his jumper. He is starting to sleep better. He usually goes to bed at 9:00 and wakes up at 12:00 and then at 6:30! I can't blame him for wanting a midnight snack. Jed is always up getting one too! Like father like son:)


cecily said...

You guys have had lots of exciting things happing in your family. I'm wishing my little guy would sleep as well as yours does!

JaMie said...

It looks like you guys are doing great!! Your babes are so stinkin cute! I wish we lived closer, I know Kylie would just love Mylee!

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