Baby Graham 12-20-2011
We are so excited for this bundle of joy to arrive. We decided not to find out the gender so we are anxiously awaiting its arrival on December 20th.
Bronsons 10 month Pics

This last year has gone by so fast. Bronson is now walking and starting to jabber. He is getting a cute little vocabulary. He says the typical words for a one year old Mama, Dada, Baba, but has also picked up some other words that suprise me he says Grandpa (He loves his Grandpa Olsen they have a special bond) nana, kitty, dog, mylee, and the one that i find hilarious Deer. Jed has two deer mounts in our garage and Bronson is mezmerized by them. He points at them and repeats deer over and over. I guess in a couple years it won't just be my husband that is MIA for all of hunting season. Bronson is going to be a great big brother. He loves to give his little cousin Maxwell kisses. Maxwell is only a month old but I can already tell they are going to be partners in crime.
Mylees First day of Kindergarten

Mylee is loving Kindergarten. She loves riding the bus and has made a lot of new friends. Her favorite things about kindergarten are riding the bus, getting on the computers, P.E., and of course recess. She is such a great big sister and we would be lost without her. She is way excited about the new baby and really wants a sister. She finally said it would be ok if it was a boy but she hopes its a girl because she wants more girls than boys in our family. She is at such a fun stage and is my little buddy everywhere we go.
Britt, I didn't know you were having a baby! Congrats, that is soooo exciting! I love your pics. Both your kiddos are adorable.
Your kids are beautiful!! Congrats on the new baby:)
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